Stock Module

This module will help you maintain details of your products and warehouses, track receipt, transfer and delivery of the products. It will also help in optimizing stock levels by providing real-time information via reports.

Avoid Inventory Shortage

Avoid Inventory Shortage

Never worry about stock dipping below a certain level. Set a threshold and automatically generate material requests to replenish stock.

Item Variants

Create one master template and generate multiple variants based on different sizes, colors, or any other variants of your choice without having to create multiple items.

Item Variants

Other Stock Features

Implement quality inspections to ensure the correct stock leaves or enters your warehouse across orders.

Whether you sell in kilograms or kilocoulomb, cups or carats, we got you covered. What’s more, you can create your own measurements and set up conversions for them.

Set default source and target warehouses, pricing methods, and accounts so that you don’t have to worry about them when fulfilling orders.

Key Reports

Not only can the system generate reports, they can also be generated in PDF, Excel or CSV format with your company letter head.

Key Reports